Hey Everyone,
One of the fields in the networking in which I’m highly interested is Software Defined Networking and how the well known way of networking will evolve. For so many years, there was no major change in the way we implement telecommunications and for the first time SDN is starting to break the ice.
In the first article about SDN – I will try to answer the questions: “Why I would implement SDN in my network? What is this fuzz about it? How can I start?”
In link here, you can find my thesis work based on Software Defined Internet Exchange Point (it is in Bulgarian, but I will try to expose the key notes in the blog):
(Under BY-NC-ND license) Download from here
Connectivity in one virtual Internet Exchange Point (IXP) is fully controlled only by SDN flows, written in JSON, in the Floodlight controller. On its side the controller sends the actions to the openflow based switch.
The technologies I used:
- OpenFlow
- Floodlight controller
- Quagga
- CentOS and Ubuntu
- Xen Server
Stay tuned.